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The Presence Meditation


  OCTAGON  |  Windhoek, Namibia

The Presence Meditation is not just another meditation practice!

Connection is always, and only, happening through you, not to you! To truly find something that is lasting, we have to go in. We have to ask ourselves more profound and direct questions about what is our essence:

  • Who am I without all that stuff, and without all my stories…?
  • Who am I essentially?
  • What is my authentic being?


Much of our wounding occurs prior to the acquisition of language, and is not able to be healed through questioning and the incessant reorganisation of thinking patterns. When the lost orphans of psyche and soma come surging to be held, they are not all that interested in our crystal-clear analysis, detached witnessing, or fantasies of “mastery”. They are longing for something else… for you, for your heart, for your holding. To know that you will stay near, that you will not abandon or shame them, that you will do your best to provide sanctuary and safe passage for them to come Home, to be helped out of that frozen, crystallised state and, once again, to live.


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Avis Horse Stables, 10, Avis Road, Avis, Windhoek, Khomas
10000, Namibia




All Dates

  • 2023-03-25

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