The Presence Meditation

OCTAGON | Windhoek, Namibia
The Presence Meditation is not just another meditation practice!
Simplicity and directness are doorways to this open state. Rather than continuing to use concepts to distance and protect ourselves from our experience, we relax into the present moment. And as we rest in the moment, ambitions, desires, aspirations also melt like a candle.
No matter what kind of activities we engage in, our attitude of openness and inclusiveness is essential as a basis for our working with dying, death, caring, and grieving. In opening to living and dying without defending ourselves, we liberate a tremendous amount of energy. When we let go of our reference points, we open ourselves to a new way of being and perceiving - this is the realm of not-knowing.
Although it can be frightening to be this transparent to life, we now have the resources with which to welcome fear, to be present for it, and to transform it through our awareness. In this way we break the habitual patterns that we have used to defend ourselves against feeling fear.
This is how we heal.
10000, Namibia
All Dates
- 2023-09-09
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