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Awaken To Life

Healing Retreat

  Moonvalley River Camp  |  Swakopmund, Namibia


This Awareness Intensive promotes no belief system or philosophy of life. It offers an opportunity to go beyond mental constructs and the conditioning of wounds and patterns, to bring you into more awareness.

This Intensive is by no means the only way, but it is a powerful way, and a unique opportunity.

Experience a weekend of presence meditation, silent walks, moonlight cacao walk, trauma release, breathwork, and sweat lodge to initiate a fundamental shift in consciousness, step into the Flow and release resources that free your life from effort, allow you to be more playful, in closer contact with yourself and others, and more in harmony with the way things actually are.


Seats available
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All Dates

  • From 2023-09-21 to 2023-09-24
    Donnerstag, Freitag, Samstag & Sonntag

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