The Presence Meditation

OCTAGON | Windhoek, Namibia
The Presence Meditation is not just another meditation practice!
The Presence Meditation gives you an opportunity to go beyond mental constructs and bring your full consciousness into direct contact with the truth. It combines contemplation with communication in a process of the Self, the Other, and the proper role for each when communicating personal truth.
'Slow' and 'down' are modes of the soul; they are connective modes, ways of keeping connected to oneself and to one’s environment. 'Slowing downwards' refers to more than simply moving slowly, it means growing down towards the roots of one’s being. Instead of outward growth and upward climb, life at times must turn inward and downward in order to grow in other ways. Slowing downwards creates opportunities to dwell more deeply in one’s life, for the home we are looking for in this world is within us all along.
10000, Namibia
All Dates
- 2022-10-15
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