The Presence Meditation

OCTAGON | Windhoek, Namibia
The Presence Meditation is not just another meditation practice!
Throught experiencing Presence, we become present. Control and attachment are obscuring your connection to the present moment. Present Moment Awareness is your birthright, and is a state of being in which you effortlessly integrate the authentic Presence you are with each given moment you are in, so that you are able to respond consciously to each experience.
Doing a yoga pose while attached to a specific result is not the practise of yoga, it is the practise of attachment. Much of what we came to understand as goal-orientated and go-getting really is a celebration of attachment, focusing on the results and pulling our attention away from the process and opportunities for positive outcomes that present themselves as a moment unfolds. Starting a career, ending a relationship, or raising a family in a state of attachment to the outcome, likewise, is the practise of attachment and will yield the results of attachment. We can’t free ourselves from a way of being without consciously letting go of that way of being. We must let go of our contracted states if we wish to experience what exists beyond them.
10000, Namibia
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- 2023-04-22
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