An Awareness Intensive

THE OLD SCHOOL, next to Klein Windhoek Police Station | Windhoek, Namibia
The road to this moment wasn't an easy one
There were times where you thought you knew, but simply didn't. The discrepancies between plans you had made, and how life unfolded - these swings and misses, they hurt!
Yet, underneath the fear, and insecurity, and all the reasons to not go, there lives the beginning of the miracle of life. And it won't be easy, and it almost never is the right time, but the question remains!
Can you be that vulnerable again? Will you choose to see the moments that are heading your way not as the chains that can bind you, but as the strength that can elevate you?
10000, Namibia
All Dates
- From 2023-07-15 to 2023-07-16
↳ Saturday & Sunday
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