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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Zugriffe: 9
At first glance, ENGAGEDLEARNING and SOULSPEAK might seem like they are playing in different arenas, as the one is about revolutionising education, whilte the other is about deep and often spontaneous healing and transformation. But when you look a little closer, something interesting happens. They are actually built on the same core principles. Both share a deep alignment in their principles, methodologies, and goals. They are both built on the premise that human potential is limitless when approached with the right mindset, structure, and energetic alignment:
- Clear what is blocking growth
- Create space for true mastery
- Let intelligence beyond the conscious mind do the heavy lifting
- Align with natural learning and healing rhythms instead of forcing progress
Let’s break it down.
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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Zugriffe: 182
You’ve probably felt it before - that deep, unshakable sense that there’s something more. Not just more to life, but more behind life. Beneath all the noise, beneath all the struggle and searching, something vast, something still. Maybe you caught a glimpse of it in a moment of silence, standing alone under a star-filled sky. Maybe you felt it in the presence of someone who radiated peace, or in a moment of love so pure it dissolved every worry you had.
It’s always been there, hasn’t it? Yet, if we look too hard, it vanishes. If we try to grasp it, it slips away. And yet, it is always here. The mind sees the many, the shifting forms, the ever-moving waves, but the heart... the heart knows the ocean beneath. And yet, despite its simplicity, despite its undeniable presence in every breath, in every moment, we do not see it. And then - life pulls us back in. Work, relationships, responsibilities, the endless stream of thoughts and distractions - before we know it, that feeling of connection fades. And so, we begin searching. We seek meaning in books, in ideologies, in philosophies, in relationships, in status, in self-improvement, in external achievements, in endless seeking. But as the sages have told us for thousands of years, the One is not something to be found. It is something to be remembered.
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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Zugriffe: 150
The "scorched-earth" strategy, historically a military tactic aimed at denying resources to an advancing enemy, has found a troubling resurgence in the metaphorical battlegrounds of modern politics. Today, political leaders across the globe employ this approach not with armies but with policies, rhetoric, and maneuvers designed to dismantle opposition, often at the expense of institutions, norms, and societal cohesion.
This article delves deeply into the philosophical foundations of this strategy, examines its divergent interpretations across the political spectrum, how artificial intelligence (AI) could exploit the resulting social discourse, and what spiritual principles we as individuals can uphold to stem the tide.
Weiterlesen: The Scorched-Earth Strategy at the Crossroad of Modern Conflict