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Finding Safety (in Your Own Nervous System)

  2024-03-01 - 2024-06-02

  ONLINE (WhatsApp)  |  Windhoek, Namibia

Finding Safety in Your Own Nervous System

This course is about opening your heart, listening to your body, and about empathic attunement to the deep, soul-level exhaustion that can manifest as unexplainable physical symptoms, the loss of meaning, or just a sense of feeling disconnected from life - that somehow, we’ve lost contact with the beauty, the mystery, and the aliveness of the sacred world.

This course is about discovering the intricate pathways of our nervous systems, learning about tools, exercises, and insights to apply in the daily task of finding safety. Whether you're on a quest for peace, healing, or simply learning - this group is for you.

The journey is yours, the support is collective, and the discoveries are boundless.




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All Dates

  • From 2024-03-01 to 2024-06-02

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