Spiritual Field Recoding is designed to address and remove various forms of spiritual interference that may be affecting your well-being. Spiritual Field Recoding goes beyond traditional methods by tackling complex issues such as alien implants, spirit attachments, possessions, and interferences by earth-bound spirits or dark entities. It also addresses consciousness implants, hypnotic manipulation by spirits, demonic possession, and illnesses caused by spiritual factors. Our practitioners use a unique blend of energetic techniques to:

  • Identify and Remove Detect and eliminate any foreign or disruptive energies from your energetic field
  • Heal and Restore Restore your natural energetic balance and strengthen your aura
  • Protect and Empower Enhance your energetic defences to prevent future attachments or interferences


Spiritual disturbances can happen at any age, and normally have a profound impact on your life. Physically, you may experience inexplicable exhaustion, persistent pain, headaches, stomach aches, or abrupt changes in appetite and sleep schedules that may even include unusual pressure, tingling, or cold spots on your body.

You may also experience mood swings, anxiety, depression, or an abrupt onset of unreasonable fears or strong negative emotions. In stronger cases, you may also experience hearing voices, feeling a presence or that someone or something is around you, or even having intrusive thoughts, obsessions, or phobias — all this with, or without, cognitive impairments like memory loss, disorientation, or trouble focusing. Additionally, some people may exhibit peculiar behaviours or personality changes by displaying characteristics that are not typical of who they usually are.


Spiritual Field Recoding is a specialised method aimed at removing and healing various types of spiritual interferences that can affect your life and well-being. These include:

  • Alien implants are energetic intrusions that can distort your natural energetic flow and cause various physical, emotional, and mental issues.
  • Spirit Attachments Entities or energies that attach themselves to your aura, energy body, or field of consciousness, leading to feelings of being drained, unwell, or out of balance.
  • Possessions More severe cases where a foreign entity takes control of an individual's actions, thoughts, or emotions.
  • Interferences by Earth-Bound Spirits or Dark Entities Unresolved energies from spirits that have not transitioned properly or darker entities causing disruptions.
  • Consciousness implants artificial constructs that manipulate your thoughts and behaviours.
  • Hypnotic Manipulations by Spirits External spiritual influences that control or manipulate your mind.
  • Demonic Possessions: Extreme cases of malevolent entities taking control of an individual.
  • Illness Caused by Spiritual Causes Physical ailments that have their root causes in spiritual disturbances.

Typically, it is the family or close friends who first notice that something is amiss with their loved one. In some cases, an individual may be so heavily influenced by spirits that they cannot seek help on their own. It is, of course, much easier to assist someone who actively seeks help and is motivated to improve their situation. Often, a person may suffer for many years without realising that their distress is due to spirit possession. They may initially turn to conventional medicine, and only when that fails do they explore alternative methods. With some luck, they may find a skilled practitioner who can remove the spirits and teach them how to avoid attracting them in the future. When spirits are removed through the process of spirit removal, commonly known as exorcism, the symptoms caused by the spirits usually disappear. It is important to note that these symptoms can also indicate various other conditions, so it is crucial to seek professional help from healthcare practitioners and mental health experts to accurately diagnose and treat any underlying issues.

By recoding the spiritual field, we aim to clear these interferences, allowing you to reconnect with your true self and experience profound healing. We are here to help you reclaim your peace and power!