Ironically, attending religious services or engaging in spiritual rituals often feels easier than genuinely practising the presence of the Divine. This practice doesn’t depend on complex doctrines or formal structures; it requires only a mindful awareness, a sincere desire to connect, and the perseverance to start anew whenever we lose focus. Embracing our reality might not feel particularly spiritual at first - more often, it feels like we’re skimming the surface of something deeper. Yet, it’s through fully living at the edges of our experiences - whether enduring or enjoying them - that we are guided back to the centre, which is Love.

We don’t need to search for our centre; it reveals itself when we allow it. Our minds cannot solve the mystery of Love and Truth. Instead, we return to it only when we are spiritually open, receptive, and free - and these moments are rare.

Transformation isn’t achieved by thinking differently to change how we live; it’s achieved by living differently to change how we think.

In other words, as we engage with the challenges and blessings of everyday life, we are drawn closer to ultimate Reality, where we encounter both our truest self and the essence of God. We are not human beings striving to find Spirit; we are spiritual beings learning how to fully inhabit our humanity - a task that feels so difficult precisely because it is so beautifully, profoundly ordinary.


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