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Sacred Geometry

  2023-12-14 - 2024-01-31

  ONLINE (WhatsApp)


What is all this talk about “Sacred Geometry”, and how come it is touted as the blueprint of the natural world and thus the basis of all form? And why is it important to learn about Sacred Geometry?

Sacred Geometry is often referred to as the “architecture of the universe”, it is found throughout the natural world, is all around us, and is one of the very few subjects that - on a deep, archetypal level - satisfy both the left brain’s desire for the objective, sequential and logical, while simultaneously stimulating the right brain’s desire for the random, intuitive and subjective. It is an ancient science that explores and explains the energy patterns that create and unify all things and reveals the precise way that the energy of the Universe organises itself.

A lack of awareness of these underlying connective and orderly patterns may create a perception of separation in your life, and the awareness thereof may present an additional level of healing.


In this 8-week WhatsApp online course you will learn all about Sacred Geometry, where to find it, and how to construct it with pen, ruler, and drawing compass.



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All Dates

  • From 2023-12-14 to 2024-01-31

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