For example chicken meat. A free-ranging chicken is almost twice as big as an industrially raised chicken, and the drumstick bones you can barely snap with one hand. However, just because it is free-range doesn't mean it did not get unhealthy supplements ranging from growth hormones to antibiotics. Again, what would you prepared to pay for such a commodity? Is the meat actually healthier than cage-raised chicken? Also, what exactly does free-range mean? Does it (only) mean not caged, or does it mean roaming under sun and stars on a grassy pasture?

Living healthy in present times is a conscious decision. It also means to take responsibility, check out production methods, check out suppliers, check out supply chains, check out local, regional and international effects of one's own consumption behaviour and patterns. Same goes for superfoods and supplements in pills, packets, sachets, capsules or whichever form. If you feel that a manufacturer is not acting ethically (because even with healthy foods it still is about money!), then you should not buy their products. Keep supply lines short, which means, local is lekker if the local supplier can supply. If not, he might need some encouragement, more support, better prices. Perhaps it would be wise to buy fresh produce daily, instead of packaged foods once a week or month.

Again, the responsibility lies with the consumer. You can complain about Big Pharma and international chains and mega companies, but in the end it is your decision to put your money where your mouth is. You cannot complain about Global Warming and expect to buy avocados in winter without making yourself complicit when using your money to do so.


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