The Awareness Intensive does not advocate any particular belief system or life philosophy. Instead, it presents an opportunity to transcend mental constructs and bring your complete awareness into direct contact with truth. While this Intensive isn't the sole method to achieve conscious union with truth, it's a potent and unique pathway.

During this retreat, participants are immersed in an environment that continually exposes them to direct experiences of truth. Unlike mere insights, conclusions, or beliefs, these experiences bring about a fundamental shift in consciousness that transcends thinking, feeling, believing, or reasoning. Ultimately, this shift enables individuals to live their lives more effectively, fostering closer connections with others and harmony with reality as it is. It facilitates progress toward personal and spiritual goals, amplifies any ongoing disciplines or endeavors, enriches relationships, and empowers individuals on their journey of self-discovery and growth.

Participants engage in various activities and exercises designed to facilitate this deep immersion into truth. Through guided introspection, group discussions, and meditative practices, individuals are encouraged to explore their inner landscape and confront the barriers that obstruct their connection with truth. By shedding layers of conditioning and societal influences, participants can uncover their authentic selves and align with their deepest truths. Furthermore, the retreat environment provides a supportive and nurturing space for participants to delve into their innermost experiences without judgment or inhibition. Group dynamics play a crucial role in this process, as participants share their insights, struggles, and breakthroughs with one another, fostering a sense of camaraderie and mutual support. As participants progress through the retreat, they begin to experience a profound sense of clarity, presence, and liberation. Freed from the constraints of conditioned thinking and societal norms, they become more attuned to the subtle nuances of their inner world and the interconnectedness of all beings. This heightened awareness enables them to navigate life's challenges with greater ease and grace, fostering deeper connections with others and a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Ultimately, the Awareness Intensive serves as a catalyst for personal and spiritual transformation, offering participants a unique opportunity to awaken to their true nature and live authentically in alignment with their deepest truths. Through this intensive exploration of awareness, individuals can unlock their full potential and embark on a journey of self-discovery and self-realization that transcends limitations and empowers them to lead fulfilling and meaningful lives.


  • 3/5 Days


  • To be a silent witness
  • To be present
  • To stay connected with eyes open
  • To be self-aware
  • To listen deeply into each moment
  • To be self-responsible
  • To take ownership
  • To trust the other’s own healing powers


  • Compulsion Clearing - this is a process used to free one up from automatic feelings of responsibility.
  • Thought Condition Clearing - this process is used to help you identify thought conditions you place on your progress.
  • Relating - this process is used to help build your interpersonal relating skills.
  • Trauma Recovery - this process is used to help people needing recovery.
  • Couples - this process is used to help build your interpersonal relating skills.
  • Karma Clearing - this process is used to work on guilt.
  • Personality Traits - this process, is to help to understand and change personality traits.
  • Body Awareness - this process is used to help build your awareness of your body and it functions.
  • Mindfulness - this process is used to help build your awareness of your mind and its functions.
  • Deepen connection with self and other
  • Help yourself and others access inner wisdom
  • Cultivate true presence
  • Create an intimacy we normally don’t allow in daily life
  • Enhance mutual inspiration and compassion
  • Ignite transformational healing effects