In response to this pressing challenge, we present Wellness Mastery for Executives: Your Defense against Burnout, a comprehensive and empowering corporate well-being program designed to equip individuals in executive and leadership function with the tools and strategies - and a renewed perspective - to effectively prevent burnout and manage individual well-being.

The Wellness Mastery for Executives program represents an investment in the health, happiness, and success of both individuals in leadership and organisations. By taking an active role in burnout prevention, we collectively pave the way for a future where employees can thrive, work can be meaningful, and organisations can achieve their goals without compromising the well-being of their most valuable asset - their people.

CLINICAL NEUROSOMATIC & HOLISTIC HEALTHCARE is not chiropractic, Rolfing, manipulation, massage, Somatic Experiencing (SE), TRE, or psychotherapy. Our holistic approach is looking at what can be observed, and what is un-observable. It is looking at the big picture and the details of what is really happening. It is a method to restore voluntary control to musculature that has been held in involuntary contraction. This is based on up-to-date neurophysiology.

When our nervous system is healthy, regulated and resilient, we can handle change and, simple, we can perform - whether that is athletically, cognitively, or emotionally. However, when we are stuck in a state of high stress and survival outputs, we cannot perform. Survival always trumps performance. And our system will generate outputs – like pain, migraine, anger, fatigue, or dissociation – to keep us safe in any specific moment.

When I were to ask you to take new action, change habits, let go of harmful behaviour, or even change your limiting beliefs – I would actually be asking you to do something that is threatening to your brain and nervous system. Our brain functions on pattern recognition to generate outputs that keep us alive, and the brain likes efficiency, so all change, good or bad, is threatening to the old, survival brain.


Burnout is not a mere buzzword; it is a real and pervasive issue affecting employees across industries and hierarchies. A study by the World Health Organisation (WHO) recognised burnout as an "occupational phenomenon" resulting from chronic workplace stress. It manifests as a state of physical and emotional exhaustion, feelings of cynicism, and reduced professional efficacy. The COVID-19 pandemic has further exacerbated this problem by introducing new sources of stress and uncertainty into the work environment.

The consequences of burnout are far-reaching. Not only does it affect the health and well-being of individuals, but it also negatively impacts organisations. Decreased productivity, increased absenteeism, high turnover, and reduced employee morale all contribute to financial and operational setbacks. In essence, burnout is a lose-lose situation for both employees and employers.

Our Wellness Mastery for Executives program emerges as a totally new and powerful response to this multifaceted challenge. It takes a holistic approach to wellness, recognising that the prevention and management of burnout involve multiple dimensions. By participating in Wellness Mastery for Executives, your organisation can expect to see a range of positive outcomes, including:

  • Personal Empowerment The program empowers individuals with the knowledge and tools to manage stress, enhance emotional resilience, and foster well-being. By taking an active role in their own wellness, participants develop a sense of control over their lives, which is pivotal for preventing burnout.
  • Organisational Support Our program places emphasis on the individual’s relationship with his or her function in leadership and organisational culture. By cultivating a work environment that promotes well-being, values work-life balance, and reduces stressors, organisations can effectively prevent burnout at its source.
  • Community and Collaboration Burnout is not an individual problem but a collective one. The program creates a sense of community among participants, fostering mutual support and encouragement. By collaborating with peers, employees become allies in their pursuit of well-being.
  • Measurable Health Improvements, such as
    • Enhanced employee well-being, job satisfaction, and engagement.
    • Reduced stress levels and burnout symptoms.
    • Improved individual and collective productivity and performance.
    • Greater employee retention rates and increased talent attraction.
    • The development of a corporate culture that values and supports employee well-being.


Without the tools to make the nervous system feel safe, the work we do that is meant to be positive can actually push people into protective outputs. We need to work with the system to create the resilience that allows this change to occur without causing harm. You thus need to know:

  • How to dose your work appropriately for your individual nervous system and unique capacity.
  • How to be able to read when something is exceeding your bandwidth and pushing you into negative returns.
  • New tools for self-regulation when asked to remove old coping mechanisms.


That is your innate neurosomatic intelligence. And when you have that, you can create longevity in your life, and radically different outcomes in your work. Our neurosomatic approach thus works on all levels of a person’s being:

  • Physical The senses, functions, systems (nervous, skeletal, etc.), and relationship to gravity
  • Mental How we think, plan, execute, and reflect our intentions
  • Emotional The way our nervous and hormonal systems create sensations within us that we call emotions, and how we express ourselves
  • Creative That, in every moment, we’re creating our body, reality, and appearance
  • Archetypal How understanding archetypal energies can empower our life’s journey
  • Energy How energies relate to each other through movement, based on yogic, Taoist, and other ancient traditions
  • Alchemical How movement can help us become a vessel for inner and outer transformation, turning our personal lead into gold

We believe in harnessing the power of the brain to heal the body. Our science-based program is designed to help you retrain your brain to overcome chronic conditions such as chronic fatigue, pain, anxiety, depression, and more. We combines the latest in neuroscience research with personalised, practical solutions to help you regain your health and happiness. Neuroplasticity is the foundation of our program. This concept refers to the brain’s ability to change and adapt in response to new experiences and stimuli, allowing us to gradually shift the inflammatory processes or patterns of feeling, movement, and behaviour that underpin a wide range of acute and chronic conditions. Neuroplasticity has been studied in many scientific explorations, such as

  • Anxiety/Depression Study (45% reduction in Anxiety, 41% reduction in Depression, 47% increase in overall sense of welling), Source: Sanabria-Mazo, J. P. et. al. (2020). Mindfulness-Based Program Plus Amygdala and Insula Retraining (MAIR) for the Treatment of Women with Fibromyalgia: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of clinical medicine, 9(10), 3246.
  • Pain Study (66% of subjects are fully pain free!, 98% of subjects experienced improvement), Source: Ashar, Y. K. et. al. (2021). Effect of Pain Reprocessing Therapy vs Placebo and Usual Care for Patients With Chronic Back Pain. JAMA Psychiatry, 79(1), 13.


While meditation may help to calm the stress response and improve brainwave coherence (particularly while meditating), our aim is to prevent the arousal of the stress response in the first place. This requires a physical rewiring to take place by which the causative (negative) neural pathways must be broken and then systematically re-established through repetitive neural conditioning.












Calms the stress response





Acts quickly in the moment





Scientifically and clinically validated





Readily affordable options





Promotes self-awareness





Produces enduring results



Reduces inflammation in the body



Resets neurotransmitters



Elevates baseline mood




Our Integrative Pathway® approach integrates many techniques that specifically target the repairing of the limbic system, resetting the stress response, and producing an enduring mental, emotional, and physiological state that’s been shown to optimise healing and recovery. There is now research to support the notion that many of the aforementioned ailments occur as the result of a ‘conditioning effect’ that takes place when the limbic system becomes traumatised (by an injury, infection, or stressful life event) while the allostatic stress load on the nervous system is already high. This combination overwhelms the brain, leading to an overactive stress response and unproductive, conditioned patterns in the brain.

When in this impaired state, the limbic system inappropriately stimulates the immune system and nervous system as if an ongoing threat was present, even though the original aggressor has long passed. The continuous stimulation of the immune system and nervous system lead to perpetual symptoms.

The good news is that these symptoms are temporary, and mounting evidence suggests that many, if not all of these symptoms, can be attenuated thanks to the brain’s ability to change and develop new neural pathways. Using specific neurocognitive exercises, it is possible to get your brain and body out of “emergency mode” and back to a place of safety and balance where well-being can naturally resume.


The effects of this show up in as little as 6 weeks, often instantly, as a REDUCTION of

  • physical symptoms or discomfort
  • physical exhaustion
  • mental exhaustion
  • muscle aches or pains
  • joint pain or stiffness
  • brain fog
  • memory issues
  • headaches, dizziness or nausea
  • stomach pains or digestive issues
  • sensitivities
  • sleep problems
  • non-restorative sleep
  • anxiety
  • depression