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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Hits: 130
Both the true nature of God and our True Self is Love. If this is true, why doesn’t it feel more apparent?
How do we uncover something that is said to already reside within us? Why must we awaken to our deepest selves at all? Is the path found through prayer, meditation, solitude, or sacred practices? These can certainly guide us, but the most crucial step is learning to embrace and live fully in the present moment. This seems so straightforward that many of us create elaborate spiritual routines to avoid facing the simple, often unglamorous task of truly being in the now.
As James Finley wisely observes, “The greatest teacher of God’s presence in our life is our life itself.”
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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Hits: 106
We all face Crossroads - those pivotal points where familiar paths meet uncharted territory, often inviting us to question what we’ve known and look closer at where we’re headed. A Crossroad isn’t just a life choice; it’s a deeply personal journey to align with our True Self, offering the chance to reclaim lost pieces of who we are. Each Crossroad represents an opportunity to bring fragmented parts of our consciousness back to wholeness, letting us see and embrace the entirety of our being.
So, how do we know when we’re standing at one of these powerful inner Crossroads? Often, it may feel like a stirring or awareness that life is urging you to change direction — not by external circumstances alone, but from within. This Crossroad can feel like considerable contrast, beckoning a push towards clarity, healing, or release. While some decisions seem to mark external changes, it’s the inner Crossroads, the ones we encounter in our mind and heart, that shape us most profoundly. They reveal a path to greater self-awareness, deeper resilience, and the courage to live as our most authentic selves.
Standing at a Crossroad is a sacred, transformative moment. Rather than a simple “choice,” it’s an invitation to elevate our consciousness. The journey isn’t just about choosing between paths; it’s about using these Crossroads to integrate, align, and bring ourselves back to balance. Embrace these moments for what they are: a powerful, inner call to remember who you are and to reclaim the wholeness that has always been within.
Are you ready to see the Crossroads within and take a path that reflects your truest Self?
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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Hits: 105
A popular message in spiritual circles is to the message to surrender and let go in order to transcend the ego. This approach, rooted in many spiritual traditions, suggests that relinquishing attachments, desires, and the control of the ego is essential for achieving higher states of consciousness and inner peace. While surrendering holds profound wisdom, the act of holding on can also possess significant spiritual validity.
The ego, often depicted as the source of our illusions and suffering, plays a dual role. It can indeed cloud our perception and anchor us to material and transient aspects of life. However, it also serves as a vital component of our individuality, providing a sense of self and personal identity necessary for navigating the physical world. Rather than viewing the ego solely as an adversary to be vanquished, embracing its role as part of our human experience allows for a more integrated approach to spiritual growth.
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