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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Hits: 96
Telling yourself the story that you have been traumatised will NEVER serve you. While not saying that anything "bad" didn't happen, the highest use of your suffering is to embody courage, humility, and grace. And thus: if the story doesn't serve you Highest Good, stop telling it to yourself! Allow your suffering to liberate you towards letting it all go!
Emotions are not energies "trapped" within the body; rather, they are energies that remain present because they were never fully allowed to pass through. The emotion is the flagpost of this energetic reality. The process of releasing these energies is not about force or intervention but about cultivating a state of openness and allowing. When emotions surface, they invite you to simply let them flow through your field of consciousness without clinging to or resisting them. The antidote lies in non-attachment.
Imagine watching a movie. If you are attached to its narrative, you may find it overwhelming or even frightening. However, with detachment, the same movie may feel mundane or even tedious. This detachment isn’t a loss; it is liberation. When life’s dramas no longer captivate you, you gain the clarity to shift your focus to what you truly desire, empowering you to create from a space of purpose and authenticity. This shift in perspective arises from recognising that you are not the thoughts, feelings, or experiences you are aware of; you are the awareness itself. As the pure observer, your essence transcends the transient, creating space for peace, creativity, and transformation to flourish. When you stop engaging with the drama, you step into the freedom to shape your life from your highest aspirations.
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- Wolfgang Henckert By
- Hits: 114
Loyalty and honesty are sacred companions in any relationship. They reflect alignment between what we say, what we feel, and what we do. Without honesty, loyalty becomes an empty shell - a façade that may endure for a time but will ultimately collapse under the weight of unspoken truths. Spiritually, this misalignment not only harms relationships but also disrupts our own energetic flow, keeping us tethered to illusions rather than liberating us into authenticity.
Honesty is a vibrational frequency that resonates with the Higher Self. It is clarity expressed in its purest form, free from distortion or fear. When we interact with honesty, we’re not just hearing words - we’re feeling alignment, a deep congruence between one’s inner truth and outer expression. Loyalty that grows from this foundation carries a divine integrity that nurtures both parties. However, when honesty is absent, we are left engaging with fragmented energy. People who cannot offer honesty are often disconnected from their own truth, operating from fear, insecurity, or unresolved wounds. Expecting loyalty in such dynamics is akin to trying to build a home on quicksand - it cannot stand because the foundation isn’t solid.